Trinity Methodist Scholarship Registration 2025

Scholarship Criteria 2025

Scholarship Criteria 2025 



All applications forms will be posted on Trinity website in January of 2025  


SCHOLARSHIP CRITERIA for Scholarships (1,2,3,& 5,6)   


In order to be eligible and asked to attend Scholarship interviews submit all forms, transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc. online on our website in Scholarship area These documents must be submitted on our Website by Monday, midnight on March 18th 2025.  All forms must be in by this deadline or earlier. Interviews will be held on Monday, April 7th (All applicates must interview).


1.  Scholarship Application for the scholarship you are applying.  (some require  

     additional forms to be eligible—MW #4 see below) 


2.  A recent high school, college or graduate student transcript.  (no report cards  



3.  Two letters of recommendation (one educator, one non-family member) 


4.  Submitting all forms must be in by the deadline in order to be considered eligible.  



SCHOLARSHIP CRITERIA for Methodist Women (#4) 


1.  Methodist Women Scholarship Application 

2. Methodist Women Recommendation Form from an educator (teacher, principal, etc.) 

3.  Recommendation form from someone affiliated with Trinity Methodist Church 

4.  Recent Transcript. (no report cards accepted) 

5.  A personal letter of introduction   



Scholarships for Methodist Men and Methodist Women are not based on gender.  Young men and women can apply for either or both scholarships. 



Questions?  Please email or call Alexandria Cline-Brant: or 910-455-4814. 


You can apply for all the scholarships or just the ones you want to in the list. 

Remember, Methodist Women has an extra requirement of a personal letter of introduction. 

Trinity Methodist Church

2025 Scholarship Guidelines


1. Joe and Ellie Bynum Scholarship

Scholarship recipients shall be chosen by the Scholarship Committee. The Bynum Scholarship shall be granted to a United Methodist preparing for full-time Church vocation. This includes graduatingseniors and older as called by God to enter into the ministry. This scholarship was set up by the Bynum’s after their passing to heaven. It is their desire to share the Gospel by giving this scholarship to help someone called by God.  


AWARD $_  2,000    


2. Trinity Methodist Men’s Scholarship  

Scholarship recipients shall be chosen by the Trinity Methodist Men on the basis of:  Christian commitment (which shall include membership in Trinity Methodist Church, Jacksonville, NC for a period of at least one-year, Financial need, Scholastic achievement, Extracurricular activities).

Priority will be given to students pursuing full-time Christian service, which for the purpose of this scholarship endowment is defined as pastoral ministry, Christian education director of Director of music ministry.  Scholarships can be made to persons who are entering or who are presently enrolled in colleges, universities or technical schools that are accredited by the state. The Scholarship Committee supports the Representative of TMM on how he would like to award the scholarship. 

                                                                                    AWARD $_1,500_____




3. Trinity Methodist Women’s Scholarship 

Scholarship recipients shall be chosen by the Trinity Methodist Women on the basis of: Christian commitment (which shall include membership in Trinity Methodist Church, Jacksonville, NC for a period of at least one-year, Financial need, Scholastic achievement, Extracurricular activities).

Priority will be given to students pursuing full-time Christian service, which for the purpose of this scholarship endowment is defined as pastoral ministry, Christian education director of Director of music ministry. Scholarships can be made to persons who are entering or who are presently enrolled in colleges, universities or technical schools that are accredited by the state. The Scholarship Committee supports the Representative of TMW on how she would like to award the scholarship. 


AWARD $__1,000___



4. Morris E. (Mike) Ransom Scholarship

The Morris E. Ransom Scholarship was established in 2014 by Nels and Cindy (Ransom) Lindquist in memory of Cindy’s father, Capt. Morris E. Ransom, USMC, retired. Scholarship recipients shall be chosen by the Scholarship Committee. This  scholarship may be awarded to any high school senior who is an active* member of Trinity Methodist Church in Jacksonville, NC, planning to attend a post-secondary institution (vocational or academic) full time. *Active member is defined as “one who attends or teaches Sunday School on a  regular basis, regularly worships at Trinity Methodist Church, participates in  the life of the church community through service in worship (usher, greeter, reader, choir), through the church youth organization and supports the church with his/her time, talents and treasure". This is not an academic or need based scholarship, this is a faith based scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded to one student per year for the Fall semester


                                                                        AWARD $_  1,000____  


5. Richard Ray Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Debbi Ray Rouse in memory of her husband, Richard Ray, to benefit high school seniors of Trinity Methodist Church to pursue their post high school education. All applicants must be members of Trinity Methodist Church.  Each applicant must have firm intentions of attending a two or four year institution including a community college. Nominees will be chosen without regard to sex or race.  The financial condition of the applicant will be considered but will not be the determining factor in the final selection. The scholarship is for one graduating senior per year.


                                                                        AWARD $_  1,000____



2025 Trinity Methodist Scholarship Application

Application submission may be done through the digital form below.  You may submit application, letters & transcripts in this form and no further action is required.  Due date is March 18, 2025.

The date for scholarship committee interviews will be decided after receipt of all documents and reviewed by scholarship team.  You will be contacted to confirm interview time.


Please answer the following questions below - 

Please email 2 (two) letters of recommendation from a teacher or other unrelated member of Trinity Methodist Church.

Also email your transcripts and a Letter Of Introduction - introduce yourself to our scholarship committee.

Thank you for your submission!